Salt and pepper mini's! 6 weeks old, born 16th April 3x girls 1x boy available We own both mum and dad mini Schnauzers. Second and last litter we are having 😊 Happy to send lots of pictures a
Well trained, loving and caring puppy.
Are you looking for a fun little French Bulldog that enjoys bringing smiles to everyone's face? I’m glad because I’m your boy! I’m Piston, and you’ll be so happy to have me as your best friend
When you wish upon a star, you'll have an amazing puppy waiting for you! Nature the American Pit Bull Terrier is just a gem and the sweetest little boy!
Will come with registration, health guarantee, microchipped, vaccinations and dewormings up to date, vet checked, and a sample of their kibble and the raw meat diet that they will be weaned onto.
Chinese Shar-pei purebred, more wrinkly, good looking, funny and cute! Age: 10 weeks old Color: Fawn Weight: 1.9 lb Registerable, Vaccinations, Microchip, Health guarantee and certificate, Travel
Pomeranian Puppies for Rehoming We have Both Male and Female available. They are well trained and comes with playing toys. all papers available. contact now for more details.
Our beautiful girl Lucy has given birth to gorgeous puppies;boys and girls. On the first week they have had close contact with their vet. The puppies are full of life and playful.
They will be coming with all their Medical history, Microchipped and other documents. They love playing with other house pets.
We have Male and Female French Bulldog Puppies For Available. They have all the necessary vaccinations, microchip and cleaning from worms.
The Chinese used to breed, comb and shave these dogs to look like mythical oriental lions, as they were much appreciated as guard dogs.
Very loved family dog who needs a new home as we are moving are not able to take him with us
Ace comes from a loving home. hes playful and loves cuddles comes with his own accessories ace loves to interact with everybody hes a big softy
I am a registered breeder, but no longer a paid up member, so they do not come with papers.
We are having to rehome our 1 year old purebred Amstaff. Her couring is Blue Fawn. She is not desexed. Approved home only!