Quality, registered Cairn terrier puppies with amazing pedigree. Will make stunning show dogs and house pets. Puppies will leave with 4 weeks free insurance
Female German shepherd for sale.
Jynx and Leo are both 5 years age and nuetered. They are sweet, loving indoor cats. Lots of cuddles.
Leo is very loving and cuddly. He loves to please his owner and show love. He is 5 years old and nuetered. Jynx is also 5 and purebred Persian . He is shy but loving. They have been together always.
We have 6 part Maine coon kittens for sale. 10 weeks old. Litter trained - eating cat food. Dog friendly!
*Location: Oakville, On* Playful, affectionate and sweet cat for adoption. Paopao is fully house trained and good in a home with other cats/dogs and very friendly with children. No behaviour issues.
pure black tan
C.K.C. registered
I am a loving, calm and caring dog, I love to be out in nature on hikes and run at the dog park. I love kids, cats and other dogs.
Female 10 month American Bulldog mix for sale $ 2000 IN kitchener Ontario
Looking to re-home a beautiful and sweet Bichon Frise x Toy Poodle (Bichpoo) house trained puppy from Toronto
Due to health reasons I have to let my little guy go. He is an American Bully mix, super adorable, loves to cuddle, super friendly, kind & gentle. Loves long walks anywhere, has basic training &am
3 Queens and 3 Kings American Bully Puppies
Puppies are 4 weeks old, available in 2 to 3 weeks. The mother is ridgeback and the father is a pitbull. Please call or text for more info.
I am selling our Almost 2 year old male brindle pug as we just found out our daughter is allergic to dogs. He is neutered as well. Message me at 403-307-5589. Price is 1,000 obo.