Loving, friendly female cat. Approximately 5 years old.
Beautify and friendly indoor/outdoor cat. She loves to roam outside and come home for food and sleep. Summertime she likes to sleep outdoors. We are moving to a new country and unable to take her 🙁
7 months old. Has shots. Extremely friendly.
Friendly, Affectionate, Smart, Playful, Loyal, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Loves kisses, very kind and lovely. Vaccinations up to date .
They are up to dates in all shots and love playing with kids and other home pets. They are ckc registered. Please contact for more details
Beautiful cream coloured brindle, American bulldog cross Mastador puppies. American bulldog is a Scott type, and the Mastador is a cross between a mastiff and a Labrador retriever
2 puppies ready for rehoming by April 28
Loving, potty trained, great with kids and other dogs, sweet and cuddly spayed and healthy
Our family dog named Oreo is looking for his forever home. It breaks my heart to have-to look for another home for him but we have a baby who is allergic to him and there for we can no longer keep
Plotts Hound - Brindle Mix 2.5 years old Female, spayed, vaccinated, microchipped
Mix between lop and lion - 3 litters for adoption-
Puppies are tan, brindle, black and dewormed, tails docked, vet shots at 8 weeks (comes with vet papers Selling in Toronto but can come to ottawa orQuebec PRICE NEGOTIABLE
Born Feb 20th ready to go April 17th. Come with first shots and dewormed
This is my corn snake toast! He is very sweet and I’ve had a wonderful four years with him. He is only four years old so he’s got a long life ahead of him and is in need of a human companion!
Hello I’m selling my puppy as we didn’t know my brother was allergic