behold! 7 adorable german shepherd x alaskan malamute puppies, full of personality and intelligence.
these pups will bring contentment as soon as you meet them! ☀️
there are 2 females, and 5 males.
all have first deworming done.
eating solid food, walking, and ready for their forever homes!
these pups all have unique personality’s to them, if you’d like any details on a specific one that catches your interest, feel free to ask me!❤️
the puppies will also get much more beautiful as they grow :) they are still small
their momma is from a long line of very intelligent and hardworking german shepherds, she is purebred and very well taken care of! a very healthy, active dog
the dad is a purebred alaskan malamute, he use to be a sled dog in Kuujjuarapik quebec! also a very healthy, happy dog.
willing to deliver, but no where outside ottawa or gatineau area!
take your pick! message me for more info or if interested :)
german shepherd puppies
Private seller