I'm looking to rehome my dog, he is a playful, energetic and happy dog. Unfortunately I don't have the time needed to be a good owner to him.
He is mostly black, with a little brown and a white paw. He's male, fixed and fully vaccinated.
He's good with dogs of all ages and sizes, and has no issues with house cats. He's good with pre teen aged kids, but I don't know how he is with kids younger than that. He's a power chewer.
He's trained with the following:
- some command words
- sit, lay, come, quiet, no, down
- crate trained
- house broken
- leash trained
Currently training on:
- not pulling on a leash
- not to nip
His name currently is Anubis, but he also responds to Oi (like boy).
He comes with his crate, his toys, and dishes. As well as some food and treats, plus his leash and walking collar.
Sheppard/mastiff/boxer/lab, male, 10 month, fixed. Near London Ontario
Private seller